Experience: 16 years
Specializations: Residential, Farms, New Construction, etc
Areas Served: Central Kentucky
Q: What made you become interested in real estate?
A: Helping people realize their dreams of home ownership.
Q: What was your favorite moment in your career so far?
A: I had 1st time homebuyers that I helped get a $10500 grant to buy their home. Everytime I see them they tell me how much they love their home.
Q: What do you wish you had known when you first got your real estate license?
A: How to maintain contact with prospects. I wish i had a mentor.
Q: In what ways have you seen the real estate industry change since you started?
A: Housing prices have gone up while inventory has decreased a lot.
Q: What’s the most challenging part of your job?
A: Finding homes for my buyers and getting listings.
Q: If you could sum up being a real estate agent in five words or less, what would you say?
A: Get a mentor!!
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