Experience: 24 years
Specializations: Residential listings and purchases
Areas Served: Albuquerque, Rio Rancho, Corrales, Placitas, Sandia Park, and Cedar Crest
Q: What made you become interested in real estate?
A: I've always had an interest in homes and decorating so it was a natural fit.
Q: What is the most interesting thing that happened during an open house you hosted?
A: A gentleman came into an open house from the back door wearing a helmet and started banging his head against the wall.
Q: What was your favorite moment in your career so far?
A: Being selected by my 3500+ peers as Salesperson of the Year in 2105.
Q: What do you wish you had known when you first got your real estate license?
A: It is not as easy or glamorous as TV shows make it look.
Q: In what ways have you seen the real estate industry change since you started?
A: I've seen the good, the bad and the ugly in the real estate market. You have to adapt to each market as it changes.
Q: What’s the most challenging part of your job?
A: Creating boundaries to not be available for my clients 24/7.
Q: If you could sum up being a real estate agent in five words or less, what would you say?
A: Success is simple not easy.
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