SkillSET Blog
What s New · May 02, 2022 · AUTHOR: Media Team

SetSchedule Web App v 3.2.0 update

SetSchedule added features and releases bug fixes to ensure a better user experience in the desktop/ web app.


Features Added

  • Login - Users of the SetSchedule app will automatically login to the app when going to

  • Network - Replies can now be made to Comments on a Post

  • Referral Radar - Added a Filter to hide Leads assigned to Team members

Bugs Fixed:

  • Chat - Fixed an issue where group Chats with large populations couldn't be scrolled

  • Chat - Fixed an issue in sending a portrait-oriented video

  • CRM - Fixed an issue where Opportunities display the wrong count

  • CRM - Fixed an issue where the search bar was unusable

  • CRM - Fixed an issue where filters were not applying with refreshing the browser

  • CRM - Fixed an issue where the Opportunity List was not populating

  • CRM - Fixed an issue where the Activity Section was not scrollable

  • CRM - Fixed an issue where the wrong color was being used for Archived or Closed deals

  • CRM - Fixed an issue where Teams were not selected by default in the filter

  • Open House - Fixed an issue where the description would overflow the space provided

  • Posts - When writing a post, pressing Enter will now be a Line Break and not submit your post.

  • Posts - Fixed an issue where a post would have a comment count, but no actual comments.

  • Profile - Profile completion step is showing empty after applying for verification

  • Profile - Fixed an issue where user location information went missing

  • Profile - "Joined SetSchedule" activity marker will now display for all users

  • Profile Verification - Fixed an issue where Apply to Get Verified was not working

  • Reactions - Fixed an issue where no more than 10 Reactions would display on post

  • Reactions - Fixed an issue where Reactions are not showing in a team post

  • Reactions - Fixed an issue where ‘Like’ was not set as a default Reaction

  • Reactions - Fixed an issue where Reactions did not display when opened from a notification

  • Referral Radar - Fixed a display issue with Lead summaries when paying with Credit Card

  • Referral Radar - Fixed an issue where Lead Details were blank when clicking a notification

  • Research Center - Fixed an issue with the search counter

  • Teams - Fixed an issue where members couldn't leave a team

  • Teams - Fixed a UI element that obscured the team permissions

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