SkillSET Blog
Advice For Pros · October 24, 2022 · AUTHOR: Stanley Bawalan

Plumbing Hacks You Might Not Know Yet

Plumbing is such a simple thing, but it can be so complicated! Plumbers are constantly learning new tricks and techniques on how to do their job better. Here are some hacks that plumbers might not know yet:

Clean dirty faucets and shower heads with vinegar.

You know those stains on your faucets and shower heads? The ones that are a result of mineral deposits, soap scum, or rust? Vinegar is a natural disinfectant, so it can kill bacteria while removing these unsightly marks. Simply fill a container with water and add two tablespoons of vinegar. Then soak your faucet or shower head in the solution for five minutes before rinsing with clear water.

Use sealing tape to seal pipe threads.

If you have a leak in a pipe, sealing tape can help. Sealing tape is an effective and cheap way to seal pipe threads. It’s easy to use, quick and effective. There are many types of sealing tape on the market today, but they all essentially do the same thing: fit over the end of a pipe and form an airtight seal around it. You can usually find this type of tape at any hardware store or home depot.

Unclog a toilet with salt and boiling water.

This hack is especially useful if you're like me, and don't want to call a plumber every time your toilet is clogged. The reason for this being so effective is that the salt breaks down any solids that may be clogging up your pipes, which allows them to easily pass through without any obstruction.

Here's how it works: Pour 1 cup of salt into the empty toilet bowl (not into the water). Pour in one gallon of boiling water until full, then let sit for 30 minutes before flushing it away!

Fix squeaky floors and stairs with baby powder.

Squeaky floors are one of the most common household problems, especially in older homes. They can be annoying and disruptive to your life, but there may be an easy solution.

Here's how to use baby powder on squeaky stairs:

  • Take your flathead screwdriver and place it between the faucet handle and the faucet spout.

  • Gently twist clockwise until you feel it start to loosen up, then pull on the handle with one hand while twisting with the other so that they both come away from each other at once.

Twisty ties can give you the extra reach you need when working on hard-to-reach areas in the bathroom and kitchen.

  • Attach a flashlight to a pipe. If you're working on pipes, attach a flashlight to one of the pipes with a twisty tie so it stays put while you work.

  • Secure drain snake to plunger. Attach your drain snake or auger to the end of your plunger by wrapping it around with a twisty tie, then secure both tightly together with another twisty tie (see image above). This works best if both are plastic, but it'll still work even if they're metal—just be sure not to over-tighten them!

  • Secure rag around plunger. For no particular reason other than having an extra rag handy and wanting something else do while waiting for the water in my toilet tank fill up so I could flush again after using said rag once more as toilet paper before giving up entirely (and calling someone), I decided this would be perfect opportunity test out using one as makeshift gasket between plunger head and cistern lid (which are both made out of metal). This works surprisingly well as long as there aren't too many layers between them; plus it saves money since plastic gaskets cost about $20-$30 each time ours break down due lack proper maintenance over past decade.

Plumbers' putty is an essential material for any plumber, but it's important to have it stored properly so that it remains durable as possible.

Plumbers' putty is an essential material for any plumber, but it's important to have it stored properly so that it remains durable as possible. Plumbers' putty comes in a variety of colors and textures. It can come in tubes or in bulk form and is used to seal leaks around sinks, drains, and pipes.

Plumbers' putty is useful for dealing with minor leaks around sinks and drains in your home or business. Make sure you keep some handy! 

If you’re a plumber or have ever worked in the industry, you know that there are plenty of hacks for keeping your tools and workspace organized. But what about some hacks for clients? Plumbers have to be prepared for any situation, so it’s important to keep these useful tips in mind before any job!

In particular, plumbers might not know yet that plumbers' putty is a great tool to have around the house. It can be used to fix minor leaks around sinks and drains (like when water starts going down the drain faster than usual). This happens often enough that it's worth having some ready just in case! Make sure you keep some handy so you're prepared for any situation.

Takeaway: Being prepared will save you time and money, try these tips if you want to work more efficiently!


All in all, there are many different ways to make sure that your plumbing is working properly. If you’re interested in getting the most out of your plumbing system, it’s important to take care of it before problems arise. This will ensure that everything runs smoothly and allows you time to focus on other things while they do their job!

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