SkillSET Blog
In the News · February 20, 2023 · AUTHOR: Roy Dekel

Entrepreneurial Exuberance: The Business Benefits of Outrageous Expectations

Entrepreneurial Exuberance: The Business Benefits of Outrageous Expectations

Shooting for the moon (or even Mars) may seem unlikely, but it has its benefits. I strongly believe that having crazy expectations can help in personal growth, by pushing individuals to be more open-minded and building confidence. In this Inc article, let's talk about how crazy expectations can benefit businesses in several ways such as increasing creativity, motivation, productivity, and ambition. 

Check this out to read the full article: Entrepreneurial Exuberance: The Business Benefits of Outrageous Expectations |

To add, it is also my belief that not only do high expectations fuel success but even more so; it is a wonderful way of having a successful life.


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